Unreal Demolition

Level designer on the popular Unreal Demolition mod designed to showcase some of the best vehicular combat available.

  • Platform: Windows
  • Game Engine: Unreal Engine 3
  • Programming Language: Kismet/C++
  • Download: Official Website

Unreal Demolition is being designed to showcase some of the best vehicular combat available. Each mode will feature vehicles tuned to the battle, consisting of the same core gameplay features, with unique changes to make each mode feel like its own separate game.

The overall game is simply based around driving the vehicle, with the addition of certain features to the cars such as boosting and jumping, which add some variety to the driving.

My Role

Level Designer - Team of 3

  • Designed a series of levels to fit in the game’s framework with custom modelling done in 3dsMax

Unreal Demolition

UD - Sunken Road

Unreal Demolition

UDSU - Plant